Home My Son - My Hero Slide Shows
Starting Out

A Fine Young Man

Before Jeremiah deployed to Iraq he was home on leave.
We went shooting one day and after returning he was sitting on the couch
watching the video that was shot of the day.
He stared laughing, I asked him what was so funny, he said
"We Walk The Same" head down slow deliberate gate, he thought it was hilarious.
I wish we could walk together again... I Miss My Boy!

A Greatful and Proud Father


Jeremiah added sepia green tone to this one
This was the orginal he based the other on
When You Have Nothing, Simple Things Make You Happy
Leadership training Graduate - Jeremiah was well respected as a leader


"You wouldn't know it but Rounds are Snapping over my head when this was taken"
7min video from N. Y. Times article taken by Spc. Gannon the day Jeremiah won the Bronze Star with V device

Click on the image
once open mouse-over a ribbon for description.
Jeremiah's Bike: Then, Now & Forever
There is a long story behind the Dragonfly. It started in A-Stan with a picture (above) with a dragonfly on a stock in the foreground
it was taken while he was under fire and according to Jeremiah the dragonfly means good luck in A-Stan...
Many things have happened here at home since his passing to make this an important piece on the bike.
Airbrush work by: Mr. Lee Diaz - leediaz.com

For All The Young Men That Do What Most Will Not:

Ask For Answers to what is happening with YOU and settle for nothing less,
it is but another battle that YOU HAVE TO PERSEVERE over
IT IS YOUR LIFE they are playing with get the answers you seek for you and your families sake.

Damn Those That Would Ever Disrespect You and The Sacrifices That You Have Made For Us All.